Heavenly Views

Fine-Art Photographs Of All THE United States Latter-day Saint Temples

From a young age, I have been fascinated by photography. The best photographers can take a snapshot of a dynamic and changing world and tell a beautifully complex story with a single frame.

Indeed, the old adage states “a picture is worth a thousand words.” If done properly, the pictures speak, telling their own story — a story the photographer happily managed to capture. The words in this book, then, will merely clarify, rather than act as redundant statements already made by the pictures themselves. 

My goal was simple, yet ambitious. I was going to travel the nation and photograph all 81 temples located in the United States. With the support of my lovely wife, and after nearly two years, meeting hundreds of wonderful people, putting thousands of miles on my car, and creating innumerable memorable experiences, I accomplished my goal. What I experienced along the way out-shined all my dreams and expectations. 

I was able to see and experience the nation in tremendously meaningful ways.  I experienced more sights, sounds, smells, and foods that I could have imagined. From the majestic Rocky Mountains to the mighty Mississippi. From the deep-dish pizzas in Chicago to the tangy mustard barbecue in South Carolina. From the frigid Alaskan cold to the scorching Arizonan heat. From the towering Manhattan metropolis to the tropical island life of Hawaii. I toured every state of this blessed nation of ours and captured it through the filter of a gospel lens — the filter of the temples that dot this great country. 

Each temple has a unique, yet familiar spirit. The blessings of the temple flow through and bless each community in special, yet similar ways. There is a lot of thought and planning that goes into portraying this unique sense of beauty and grace through each photograph I take. With all the travel, cost, preparation, and execution, there have been many difficulties and successes along the way.  

This is the story found throughout the pages of this book. The story found in the grand sum of my work, as well as the minute details of each individual image. I hope I have allowed these pictures to not only tell you this story but invite you on a journey that has changed my life. I hope the following pictures convey my love for and testimony of the gospel, as well as my love for this country.

Heavenly Views is 216 pages of over 300 beautiful full-color photographs including every temple in the United States, and a few bonus international temples.


The title of this book captures Alan’s work perfectly. Heavenly Views describes the emotion I feel when I look at each of Alan’s images. He has created a complete collection of all 81 temples in the United States, encapsulating the grace felt at each location. Alan uniquely captures the beauty of God’s creations on earth. With a single image, he can connect you to a place of peace. He is undeniably one of the world’s most traveled and accomplished temple photographers. Each temple image in this book reminds me of the exquisite craftsmanship of each temple’s construction.

In addition to capturing these beautiful images, Alan gives of his time by leading a photographer community with an attitude of love. He freely imparts his knowledge to help others learn. He has been a photographer since he was a child and it’s astounding what he has been able to accomplish. I’ve accompanied him on shoots where the weather was not ideal, yet he consistently brings out beauty, no matter the conditions. I consider myself blessed to know him personally and professionally.

In my profession as a photographer, I understand the efforts it takes to continually learn and consistently produce fine art that is pleasing to the eye. As a photographer, the goal is to feel something with each temple you photograph and express those feelings in the image you present. I have spent a lot of time photographing with Alan and I know he puts his whole heart and energy into producing art that invokes feelings of peace and love. He has an undeniable eye for the beauty of the temple and its grounds — from the windows and fountains, to the trees and flowers. From the foundation to the Angel Moroni, Alan perfectly frames each image to provide a truly Heavenly View. Each photograph in this book showcases Alan’s extraordinary ability to tell a story with his art. His work is a snapshot of who he is as a person — someone who loves and cares for others.

If you are fortunate enough to own a piece of Alan Fullmer Fine Art... consider yourself the owner of a snapshot of heaven on earth.

— Karyann Hoopes